UK Cost of Living, Money

UK Cost of Living and Currency Information

The Cost of Living and Currency

The British Pound Sterling is one of the most popular currencies to trade on the worldwide currency exchange market and it's still the currency of choice in the UK even though the Euro is the official currency of the European Union. The Brits can’t get away from their “Quid” or the “Nicker” better known as the English Pound. Scottish Pounds and Irish Pounds are still in use but may not be accepted in other parts of the UK. The Euro is accepted, but in the minds of some loyal Brits the British Pound will always be the official currency of the UK.

The cost of living in the UK changes drastically from one country to another depending on the location and the lifestyle. The cost of food and drink in London and Edinburgh is expensive, but there are still bargains in some of the small villages. Clothing prices and hotels are expensive in the big cities and rail transportation is considered expensive as well, so the cost of living even in the smaller cities is higher than other similar size cities in other parts of the world.

A United Kingdom trip can cost between one hundred and five hundred dollars a day depending on where you stay and what you eat. The tourists that find hotel and restaurant bargains can travel comfortably and see everything on their agenda for around one hundred and fifty dollars a day, but some tourist do it for less.